Tuesday, October 25, 2011

DTMS pgs: 128- 190

In the pages of 120 through 190 we see more events that Piri is encoutering. He sells drugs so that he is capable of earings some kind of money for himself. He was still having issues with the white nd feleing as if he will only feel like he belongs is in his barrio. But even though he disliked the "paddys" he still liked girls and it didnt matter what color they were. especaially when it come to his girlfriend, Trina. But before all of that Piri and his friend Brew go on down South to see how life would be for them down there and when telling this to his parens,Piri expresses how he feels. He tells his family how he feels as if hes the black sheep of the family because of the color of skin that he is. On thier trip down South they see how its harder down their when it comes to race than what it was in Harlem. Piri faces racisim while entering a restraunt and is told to leave the place. As well on the ship that he's working for when he makes his journey down South.

I think its kinda wrong that he has o sell drugs just o earn money. But i understand where he's comming from. Being a different reace, or being precieved as a black person when he's puerto rican so it makes it harder for him to get a ob, and he has to do what he can to at least earn some money. And him finally telling his family how he really feels makes it seem like he has some weigh off of his shoulder. Making the readers see why he is the way he is. And witht he girls it was as if he didnt mind what colors girls were to him, because he just saw them for what they were for and not what color they were. Like whe it came to Trina, it does puzzle us on why he's with a white girl when he himself dislieks whites. But it shows us that maybe Piri is starting to ease into the whole racism thing.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

English 28 pgs 70-128

In pages 70-128 of, "Down These Mean Srtreets", Piri faces new challenges in his life. First we see him trying to work for low wages by cleaning shoes for 15 cents than his friends get into it by selling lemonade by stealing supplies that they need from the store. Which they decide to do it again but this time they rob the store, wherre two of Piri's friends get caught by the police. Than he ends up moving to Long Island trading his old life to a new one being surrounded with a bunch of "paddys" that dont even want him there. He than faced "racism" when he was applying for a job. It seems as if Piri is dealing with alot. Finding it hard to earn money especially with the way the economy is. Dealing with racism where he lives and with trying to earn a job. Which makes him dislike people of other color because of how they treat him.

English 28 pgs 70-128

In pages

Saturday, October 15, 2011

English 28 pgs 1-69

Summary: In chapter one through chapter seven in Piri Thomas novel, "Down These Mean Streets" he, PIri , talks about his life in Harlem. The first chapter talks about his relationship between him and his father, how he feels as if they don't get along. How he feels that he treats him differently from his other siblings. The next chapter he talks about the issues of home feeling poor because his father was laid off and how they didn't have any heat in their house because it was during the time of winter, and it was during the time of depression. Then he starts to talk about his block his "barrio" and how things are there with his friends. Bt dealing with that, do to his skin color, he felt as if he didn't belong. That's when he deals with him leaving his barrio where he felt accustomed to, to an area where no one likes him. Dealing with racism and violence.

In my response, Piri tends to deal with issues that urban Hispanics deals with. Dealing with financial problems in a household. But I think what he deals with the most is how other see him due to his skin color, and because of this he feels that his own father treats him differently. And not only that but the new area where he
Ives. I guess anywhere were someone moves into and are new, will tend to get treated differently. But it's still wrong when a father treats them that way.

Friday, December 31, 2010

Quote #2

" You're gonna hear me out Bernard. If you move one more inch I'll send you to the doctor and Eddy outsdie and they'll close the door behind them. It'll be just you and me. Ten minutes from now everybody-every black, brown, yellow, and red man on the mainline-will know that their favorite prisoner, mr.supreme, got his ass kicked by, one on one, by his own lawyer. Believe me, Bernard, it will be my pleasure." (pg. 60)

This quote is meaningful because it shows that Jesse means what he says and that he tired of all the nthings that Bernard has done and he's serious about his job. What makes this significant is that just becasue he's a lawyer he was once a soldier which then shows that he isnt afraid of anything, not even his own client.

1) Why does Jesse tell this to Bernard? What makes him say this to him?
2) Do you think Jesse sees himself as a lawyer first then a soldier, or vise versa? Explain.

Friday, December 24, 2010

quote #1

" Irony is delicious and distasteful, soft and savage. Irony is not to be trifled with. Its very essence was that it could never be predicted" (PG.3) The reason this quote is is.hmeaningfu is for what it says itself. .T.hat the point of irony is to showing something that makes un of another thing. THe reason its significant because irony tends to happen alot in courtrooms and the quotes in a section where they talk about incident that were taken to court. Questions: 1) what is the reason one uses irony in a court case and what makes it significant? 2) .when is irony good and when is it bad?

Thursday, January 7, 2010

The Culture of Fear Chunk 2

Barry Glassner in "The Culture of Fear" descriptively continue on the fact how the media tries to sell us these lies.For example in the chapter "Youth At Risk" under "Is Society Sick" they come out saying that the world is suddenly bad. But in reality it has always been there just that we didn't pay much attention to it. Its like we notice what goes around us but when its put in the media we somehow start worrying about it. Like he say "There is nothing new in the world except the history you do not know". So its mainly saying that just because you don't know of it doesn't mean it isn't there or the fact that it isn't new. He also says the fact we put our fear on children is by blaming it in nature, saying that these children that they are afraid of or can't control are born "defective". That they suffer from psychological or biomedical disorders. Simply using this excuse so that they won't be made fun of for fearing children. With this the media says that we need to control these kids by putting them on drugs, Ritalin and with this drug it would make the child behave better relieving the adult. So in a way they just want us to drug or kids for us to feel better. But in reality this kids didn't have anything wrong they were just blown out of proportion that each child had something wrong when in fact the didn't. Some were even being called, "crack babies" but you couldn't identify them for everyone else due to the fact that everyone looks the same. That crack babies were more impulsive,
aggressive,and easily distracted and startled then others. Another fear there is is being affraid of where when children were having children. The fact that this was as well going on children having children but they didn't know the age unless it came out the news and there age was printed out. So once again the media shocks the readers with things they uncover. They put in the news that 13 or 14 year old were having children but found out there unable to bear children's. And in interviews they neve saw someone that old have a child in interviews but on shows that they did want one but knew they were to young.

Apply Question: When you see a child being disrespectful would you ever in your mind think they have some type of disorder?

Classification Question:
Why is it that young children think of having kids on there own?