Sunday, October 23, 2011

English 28 pgs 70-128

In pages 70-128 of, "Down These Mean Srtreets", Piri faces new challenges in his life. First we see him trying to work for low wages by cleaning shoes for 15 cents than his friends get into it by selling lemonade by stealing supplies that they need from the store. Which they decide to do it again but this time they rob the store, wherre two of Piri's friends get caught by the police. Than he ends up moving to Long Island trading his old life to a new one being surrounded with a bunch of "paddys" that dont even want him there. He than faced "racism" when he was applying for a job. It seems as if Piri is dealing with alot. Finding it hard to earn money especially with the way the economy is. Dealing with racism where he lives and with trying to earn a job. Which makes him dislike people of other color because of how they treat him.

1 comment:

  1. Jesenia,

    Interesting connections you pose between economics and race, i.e., that because of skin color, Piri must steal and resort to work that some may view as demeaning. For me, your response was interesting--that it was "wrong" to sell drugs but then you immediately point out that he has limited choices. When one's choices are limited, the illegal/illegitmate ways of "getting by" seem much more appealing. I would like to talk about this more tomorrow, so please bring your thoughts to class.
