Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Opinion Piece #2

"Your Facebook Relationship Status: It's Complicated" By Claire Suddath

People on Facebook have a catagory on what type of relation ship you are in. You can pick from being single, in a relationship, engaged, married,it's complicated, and in an open relationship. Because of this issue people are nown obbsessed on what to put when they are on Facebook. Its kinda obviouse what to put iof your in a relationship you would put that and if you were single you would as well put that as your status. Suddath had interviewed people on how people go up to them on what they read on there status saying your still single even though they know that that person has been with someone else for a year now. People are litteraly obbsessed with this. Wanting to know if your still single, taken, engagged, or married. With that fact if you were to go on your Facebook and write that you got recently engaged people automatically get mad at you saying why you didnt tell them first. Making a big deal as i it were the end of the world. Another example would be when a lady was getting married and once they said there vowels they automatically got on there computer(iPhone)and changed there status ato engaged to married. There making this big deal on what people should now about them. On where they stand in a relationship. At times iit wouldnt be them who make a big oh fuss about it its sometimes friends who know them. And the fact is its not really that important you can just ignore it.

Clarification Question: Why is it that people make a big deal on what your status is?

Apllication Question: Do you think that there should be some many types of catagories on what status you are in in a relationship?

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