Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Opinion Piece #3

No Churchgoing Christmas for the First Family
By Amy Sullivan

As you would know being a Presidetn it would be hard for someone to leave there hosue without being seen or floowed. Especially if your walking with a whole bunch of body guards. So this wouldnt be any weird for the President. But when you use ot have your family traditions especially during Chrismistime its pretty hard to start over. So when Presidetn Obama was as how he was going to pend his Christmas time he said he wanted to go to church as when he did when he was young. But since its hard to find a church without people looking at you its hard to a find a chuch. So throughtout the whole yer of 2009 he has only visited 3 churches wich he did enjoy. Once at the predominantly African-American 19th Street Baptist Church, and twice at St. John's Episcopal Church across Lafayette Square from the White House. Instead there were times where him and his family went to go to the Camp David is Evergreen Chapel where some of the past presidents have gone. Due to his past traditions going to Hawaii whre he was born and going to sunday school this year him and his family had just skipped the whole church part and left to Hawaii to enjoy there Christmas.

Clarification Question: Wouldnt it be better instead of going out to churches you have someone just come to the White House?

Application Question: Do you think that once you make a family traditon you should follow them or yu can jsut ignore them and make new ones?

Opinion Piece #2

"Your Facebook Relationship Status: It's Complicated" By Claire Suddath

People on Facebook have a catagory on what type of relation ship you are in. You can pick from being single, in a relationship, engaged, married,it's complicated, and in an open relationship. Because of this issue people are nown obbsessed on what to put when they are on Facebook. Its kinda obviouse what to put iof your in a relationship you would put that and if you were single you would as well put that as your status. Suddath had interviewed people on how people go up to them on what they read on there status saying your still single even though they know that that person has been with someone else for a year now. People are litteraly obbsessed with this. Wanting to know if your still single, taken, engagged, or married. With that fact if you were to go on your Facebook and write that you got recently engaged people automatically get mad at you saying why you didnt tell them first. Making a big deal as i it were the end of the world. Another example would be when a lady was getting married and once they said there vowels they automatically got on there computer(iPhone)and changed there status ato engaged to married. There making this big deal on what people should now about them. On where they stand in a relationship. At times iit wouldnt be them who make a big oh fuss about it its sometimes friends who know them. And the fact is its not really that important you can just ignore it.

Clarification Question: Why is it that people make a big deal on what your status is?

Apllication Question: Do you think that there should be some many types of catagories on what status you are in in a relationship?

Opinion Piece #1

"Will the World's Largest Cruise Ship Sink or Swim?" by By Deirdre van Dyk
The Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.'s new vessel, Oasis of the Seas, the largest passenger ship ever made costing $1.4 billion had been delayyed two days before its arival out to sea. Due to this reason was of a storm Atlantic in Finland. This is a ship that is making fro teh the first time low ticketing prices due to the economy. But say later on are going to raise them higher. Thee problem isnt what the ship has but who isnt on it. "Ships are mostly knowns as family cruises or vacations for the elderly but people but they want to extand tehir audoence not to them only but others as well."says says Peter Yesawich, CEO of Y Partnership. Saying that young people dont want travel seven days to South America and justbe on a out and pay 1,000 and something for there stay there. Also thatn they dont have tiem to go on a trip due to the fact to make that kind of money you have to be working alot. Thats why the boat has all these high expectations to reach probably 5billion dollors on selling tickets to pay off building the boat and paying the workers that work there. On the boat they have scuba diving., mountain climbing, pools,shows, craft rooms for the kids to enjoy, and etc. They tried to make this boat as if it were land out in the seas that away people can enjoy themselves not just sitting there eating and being by the pool. That why they want you to come and have an experience on there boat and enjoy yourself. The only thing that they are really worried about is that fact people arent going to show up because of the pricing to enter because of the economy. Having a room for $218 a day and thats a regular room but if you want to have a suit it would ome up to $1,087 a day. This is there only concern the fact that people wont have the moneyto enter the cruise.
Application Question: Do you think with what the economy s going through people would go and come travel on this ship?
Clarification Question: Wwas there any need on having all those ativities in a ship making it big?

The Culture of Fear "Chunk1" pg.1-70

In the book, The Culture of Fear by Barry Glassner he shoes the reality of journalist and how they make up thei sories with statistics. In the 70 first pages he says how the media makes up tehse large amounts of numbers that says are in danger. Making it seem that its alot by saying 60% in teh worl would have road rage and due to that it would lead to fights and from that someone being killed. What Glassner does he finds teh facts and show that only 1 out of 5 had to deal with road rage. What he also does is see that the media puts ou theses titile that catch our attention to make us pay attention. Such as," We all have done it before", "There all out there and you might run into them"They doe this to mess with our mond and say probably we have done this. The media endsup takiong a little portion of the truth and fills it up with lies. That the reason that they do this is so they can make profit out of it. He

Apllication Question: Why do jpurnalist need to feed the minds of people with lies instead of giving them the truth?

Clarrification Question: Why is it that we know the truth on whats going on but believe these lies that the media gives us and start to turn all paranoide?

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Narrative of Frederick Douglass

The Narrative of Frederick douglas was a vary interesting book It was on the past life of Frederick Douglass and whast he went through. My favorite part on the book is when he learned how to read and write. To me i think that thta is very interesting. How at that time slaves werent allowed to learn any of that but his masters wife taught him. ASfter she wasnt allowed to help him learn he still didnt give up and continued to learn. He learned how to copy his masters son handwriting by copying his handwriting. I think that once he achieved learnign that that thatwas his way on writing himself a letter to be sent free. That he never gave up on learning hose to things and life and while learning that he achieved to be a free person. This is why this i one of my favorite parts of the book. Him being determined and never giving up.